Here's your up-close look at what the real William is like! He goes from Prince William to Willasaurus Rex in about two seconds flat when he's not happy.
So this is the photo that I emailed to David on Thursday. David left early that morning to fly to Princeton for his ten-year college reunion. William had a little, er, meltdown, as he is often wont to do, and I, sicko that I am, decided it would be funny to photograph it for his daddy. For those of you who are not intimately acquainted with the minutiae of the Boston Red Sox, the team's Designated Hitter is a player from the Dominican Republic named David Ortiz, who goes by the nickname Big Papi (sort of like Big Daddy). Big Papi is David's favorite player, so he ordered a hat with the name on it. (This is not nearly as funny when I sit down to explain it all out, I'm realizing, but I'm already this far in, so I'll continue.) Anyway, the picture is supposed to signify William crying and wailing in baby despair because his own big papi is out of town. Sort of along the lines of "where oh where are you tonight, why did you leave me here all alone?" Or more likely, "why did you leave me here with this woman who insists on taking my picture when I am clearly experiencing extreme existential angst?"
I promise that I picked him up immediately after I took the picture and tried to make up for being such a mean mommy.
Bother! The picture didn't show up in my browser, but that's a heck of a mental image. And kudos to you for the "where oh where are you tonight" reference! ;)
Curses! Now I'm going to have that silly Hee-Haw song running through my head all day long. Great picture! (Not to mock the fact that poor William was not having a good time but still a great picture.)
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