Friday, June 30, 2006

Stuff to pack

We're headed to San Diego for the Fourth of July weekend. It's our first big trip with William.

The car is packed nearly to the top, and we still haven't put the Pack n Play in there yet. It's mind-boggling how much stuff it takes to travel with a baby. I mean, he's so small, and yet he requires this huge mountain of just stuff. Onesies, sleepers, extra clothes, socks, hats, diapers, wipes, changing mats, blankets, toys, bottles, binkies, and what have I left out? Oh yeah, that doesn't include things like diaper bags, strollers, slings, Baby Bjorns, car seats and Pack n Plays!

And here I am, debating with myself over whether to bring along the bouncy seat. Because you know, heaven forbid we not have enough stuff with us for three nights. Insanity.

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