Thursday, June 08, 2006

One more day with Mama Judi

Mom has to go back to Mississippi tomorrow night. Sniff. It's been nice having her here, and it seems like she's had a good time, too. I know one thing: I've definitely eaten better since she's gotten here.

William seems to be twice the size that he was when Mom arrived last Thursday. Every time I pick him up, I marvel at how much he has grown. He seems to be like a real baby now, not just a tiny little newborn. His head is bigger (maybe he knows Barry Bonds' supplier?) and his little legs have meat on them now, too. He's getting all round and luscious, like a ripe peach.

Mom and I gave him a bath a little while ago (always an adventure--see earlier posts), and I dressed him in the newborn ducky sleeper that he wore home from the hospital. I think it's the last time he'll be able to wear it. It's already straining a bit. I should put it away someplace safe, so I can look at it later and say, "How on earth was he ever small enough to wear this?" I know that day is coming, too. I already look at some of his newborn onesies and think, "These were loose on him just five weeks ago." In fact, I folded almost all of them up, and put them in a drawer yesterday. William is pretty much solidly wearing 3 month baby clothes now, and I'm swearing off the purchase of any baby clothes smaller than 3-6 month size, preferably in favor of 6 month and up. I nearly broke and bought him a 3 month outfit today at the Carter's store at the outlet mall in Cabazon, but he has lots of 3 month clothes, and I just wonder how long he'll even be able to wear them! I'll have to take lots of pictures so I can prove that he did wear them. Of course, he does manage to go through a lot of wardrobe changes in a typical day (I think the record is three onesies before even leaving home), so I think we'll get a decent amount of wear out of them.

From where I'm sitting and typing, I can hear "Take me out to the ballgame." Mom has taken William and put him in his crib and cranked up the mobile. He's quiet. I don't know if he's fallen asleep, exhausted from the excitement of his bath, or if she's just worked some kind of grandma magic on him. You can't help but smile when you see how sweet he is when he's sleeping on his grandma's shoulder!

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