Thursday, June 29, 2006

Creative Genius--Nope, not me!

I think that parenthood inspires some people to reach new heights of creativity. They compose creative new song lyrics, they spin fanciful tales, they paint elaborate murals on bedroom walls, they sew darling clothes and make homemade Halloween costumes, they create crazy new games, they make little sandwiches that look like monkeys and bake cakes that look like bunnies.

Unfortunately, those people don't seem to include me in their ranks. (We all remember the disgraceful Three Little Pigs episode, right?) As a writer, I'm supposed to be the creative one in the family, right? Ha ha. Turns out that the resident scientist here at Chez Larson-Wyckoff has a creative side that neither one of us knew about.

While I'm struggling to remember all the words to "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"--and yeah, those are the whole lyrics right there--David's managed to outdo himself (and me). Of course, everyone knows how he turned the Fatboy Slim song "Rockefeller Skank" into a William-themed version. But he also has turned the Hokey Pokey into a long-playing version that is set to the tune of "Tequila," and I have to say, not only is it very catchy but William really likes it. David also has adapted little games that his own mother taught him when he was a baby, like the "Bicycle, bicycle" game. And there have been several mornings when I'm lying in bed, only to hear David singing his own version of the Hallelujah chorus: "Will-ia-iam Wy-y-y-y-y-y-ckoff, William Wyckoff! William Wyckoff!" Lather, rinse, repeat. Literally.

David's latest opus is "William Wyckoff, Superstar." David cautions that he is still working on the lyrics, trying to get them right, so I won't post the snippets here yet. But I will say that they're pretty funny. And I caught myself singing "WILL-iam Wyckoff, SUUUUUUP-erstar, DO do do DO do do Do do do" in the shower last night. Try it. As earworms go, it surpasses even "Come on, Eileen."

So now that David's expressing his inner creative genuis, does this mean that I have to teach William math?

By the way, here's a smile generated by David's enthusiastic version of "Rubber Ducky, You're the One."


Anonymous said...

David's songs are adorable! And yes, this means that you are on math & science duty - heh heh...


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,
It's really amazing that an offspring of mine can sing in tune, let alone create and adapt songs! I'm sure William is very entertained. But I CAN teach you how to make a bunny cake.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty impressed with David's skill, but you know you can sing the Hodie to William - and David can't possibly top that!


Anonymous said...

I regret to inform you that nothing, nay, NOTHING will replace "Come on Elieen" as earworm or general get up and feel good song. Its place in glory was cemented somewhere along the 53rd time it was played when getting ready for an AOII swap. But you can love David's silly songs too if you want.--Amy