Monday, February 05, 2007

And on his farm he had a goat, E-I-E-I-O

So William and I were singing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" this evening, over a delectable dinner of turkey and rice, sweet peas and sweet potatoes. Okay, technically, I was the only one singing, and at our house, we actually sing "Old McWilliam Had a Farm." But that's not the point. The point is I realized that I never did figure out what noise a goat makes.

Here's what we know:

The cow goes moooooo. So that's a mooo mooo here and a mooo mooo there. Check.
The ducks go quack. A quack quack here and a quack quack here. Next.
The sheep go baaaaa. Etc. etc.
The chickens go bwak bwak.
The horses go neeeeeeiiiigggggh. (Or naaaaaaay. Whichever spelling you prefer. It all sounds the same.)
The pigs go oink. (Side note: If you snort for the piggy noises, William will think you are the funniest person alive. We're talking laughing AND clapping. It's definitely worth risking your dignity for, trust me.)
The dogs go woof woof. Yes, there are dogs on Old McWilliam's farm.
The cats go meow. Yep, cats, too. Can't have dogs without cats.
The rooster, who exists only when I'm feeling really energetic, goes cock-a-doodle-doo!

So I'm thinking that Old McWilliam needs goats to have a truly well-rounded farm. But what noise does a goat make? It can't go baaaa. That's what the sheep does/do. Right? So far, this question has stumped everyone I've asked. But you have to have goats. What kind of a farm has all those birds and no goats?

So, I ask you, O Friends, Family and Fans of William...what noise does a goat make? And is Old McWilliam's farm missing any other crucial farm animals---and if so, what are they, and what noise do they make?


Anonymous said...

Goats, if I recall correctly from the last time I met one, make a kind of "MEEEEEHHHHHHH!" noise. It's different from a sheep's baaaaa - more insistent, really. And with a little headbutt.


Anonymous said...

I've been wracking my brain trying to think of more farm animals that make cool noises. Sadly, I'm stumped. So I decided instead that Old MacDonald should be an entrepreneur and open a zoo! If William thinks that snorting pigs are the best thing ever, just wait until he sees mom acting like a monkey...or an elephant...or a lion...

Anonymous said...

The brilliant zoo suggestion is from me, but the way, forgot to sign it.


Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds want to know - sO I asked the librarian at an elementary school today. She doesn't personally make goat noises too often, but thinks in English language books goats usually say,
Another cool animal for the modern farm would be a llama, but I think they usually just spit. Also, don't some farms have ostriches now? Diane

Jennifer Larson said...

Yeah, I thought about the emu, but then 1) that's another bird, and we're already bird-heavy, and 2) what noise does an emu make?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jennifer! I'm Grampa Aaron's secretary, Barbara. We love your blog (and William pictures) here at the office! I found goat sounds for you to imitate for William: