Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bye bye, Corky and Smokey


We put the kitties on a plane to Nashville yesterday morning, and now we are cat-less until we move. I don't know what made me more sad: the thought of the kitties on a big scary plane without us or the thought of them arriving in Nashville to be picked up by strangers (my in-laws).

But it had to be done. We are moving in July, and we could not justify putting the cats in the car for a three-day cross-country drive. Heck, I can barely justify putting William in the car for a three-day cross-country drive! Especially in July. Especially when we'll be driving across some of the hottest, most miserable parts of the United States.

It also made me sad to put the kitties on a plane because it means William won't have his cats around him for a long time. "Cat" was William's first word, as you all know, and he loooooves the cats. He joyfully crawls around after them, grabs their tails, splashes in their water dish, and hugs them when they consent to being hugged. It just seems wrong that he won't be able to do that for a month and a half. (Well, all except the part about splashing in their water dish.)

But it's warming up, and the window for shipping the cats via airplane was rapidly closing. At least we can check one big thing off our "To Do" list. And at least William will get to play with JC when we visit my parents later this month. But I will sure miss hearing him say "cat!" and taking off after Corky or Smokey. I hope that Corky and Smokey will look at the next few weeks as a vacation away from the eager little baby and not hate us for it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mommy, Daddy, and William,

Don't worry - we made it to Nashville O.K. after a thrilling airplane trip with a change in Dallas. Our plane was a little late and Mama Dee and Grandaddy Aaron were anxiously awaiting our arrival. We started meowing as soon as we got into the building so they would know we were alright. They drove us safely to their house where we had a brief introduction to Cousin Tigger while we were still in our carrying cases. We are now resting comfortably in Daddy's room with TWO windows to view the squirrels, bunnies, birds, chipmunks, and cars go by. We have our good food, water, and litter box. We will probably get to come out and play with Tigger later in the week at a time when Mama Dee and Grandaddy can supervise. Mama Dee says we are going to LOVE our new house! In the meantime it's not too bad here and lots better than being on that plane!

We love you and miss you,
Corky and Smokey

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one am relieved to hear that your cats are ok! When I read the title, my first thought was that something awful (read:death) had happened to the little guys, and this was William's first lesson on d-e-a-t-h. So, nevermind. I feel much better knowing that those 2 are just a few blocks away drinking cereal milk with Granddaddy Aaron each morning.