Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sick. This time, it's me.


That's the noise I would make if I had enough energy to make a noise. I was up all night, throwing up. William threw up around 7 p.m., but then he seemed to feel just fine. I started to feel bad about 30 minutes later but didn't have to race to the bathroom until around 10. I was actively sick until about 3:30. Then I did the lie-in-bed-and-feel-awful thing until David got up for work.

The good news is the baby's doing great. No more repeat episodes. He seems to be feeling fine and hasn't been sick since. He's in his office, watching some program with monkeys and tree frogs on PBS. I don't normally park my young child in front of the TV and then collapse on the sofa, but I think it's okay to make an exception today. And if it's not, well, too bad!

David's hoping to escape the clinic early today and come home to take care of me. Man, it was easier to be sick before I had a small boy to care for, too. I feel so bad that I have exactly zero energy to spend on him this morning, though. The only reason I'm able to type here is because years of writing have left me able to more or less type in my sleep. However, I'm going to cut this short. I think I'm going to try to confront a piece of dry toast now. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Oh, kid. I'm so sorry. I had the all-day pukeys on Sunday and it was NOT fun. But I didn't have a little man to take care of! I hope you're feeling better soon. If I were closer, I'd drop by to bring you some ginger ale or sprite to soothe your tummy. Take it easy, ok?

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're feeling awful and hope you're better soon! It is hard to take care of a baby when you're sick. I think any way you can manage to entertain him is fine - in fact, it sounds pretty educational!
With love,