But hey, if turning 33 gets me taken out to dinner, to a real adult restaurant, where I don't have to bring along crayons, sippy cups, mandarin orange bowls, bibs or plastic spoons, I guess I'm fine with it. In fact, I know I'm fine with it. David's taking me out to dinner tonight in honor of my birthday; we're going to a place called the Germantown Cafe, and Diane and Aaron are coming over to babysit.
Wow, I couldn't tell you the last time that David and I ate dinner together in a restaurant without William. Not that we take him out to dinner anywhere nice (or inappropriate for a child), but you know what I mean. I won't know what to do with myself without having a small wiggly person to wrangle. It will be freaky. Excellent freaky, of course. I'll have half the table all to myself! I don't have to move all the cutlery and glassware, and oh, well, everything out of the way of a curious and curiously long-armed and determined small boy. I won't have to shush a young boy who loves to hear his own voice echo off the big high ceiling. I can order a glass of wine and not have to constantly rescue it from sticky hands. Because it's one thing if your toddler knocks over your glass of ice water. It's another thing when people's eyes widen as you walk by, carrying a toddler who smells like a liquor store.
* * * * *
Yesterday, John came over to visit. He and I put together the new water table for William. William's friends Jake and Jadyn have one, and William fell in love with theirs a couple of months ago, so when we moved here, I told David that we'd have to get one for him. He loves to splash in the bathtub, and he doesn't even have to sit down on his bottom to get to splash with the water table. Needless to say, it was a Big Hit.

It was a win-win for everyone. William got to get wet and splash around. I didn't have to clean anything up. The nearby tree got a much-needed drink of water afterward. An excellent toy. I'll put it on my "to recommend" list.
I loved turning 30. I finally felt like a grown up. Thirty is the new 18, I've decided.
Tell me how you like Germantown cafe.
Happy birthday! Hope you enjoyed your dinner out. Glad to see that William likes his new water table. It is still one of Jake and Jadyn's favorties.
Can I just say that I got to eat crab cakes and drink pinot grigio in a nice restaurant on my birthday and that it was fabulous. Yay!
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