The milestone update: He is walking, feeding himself with a spoon AND with a fork (sometimes), drinking out of an open cup under supervision, and seems to understand more and more words every day. He also now says "Go!" and "Wow!" in addition to the words he was already saying. He likes to carry around the little cork coasters that are supposed to live on the coffee table. And he loves to swing on his swingset and even go down the slide (with some help). And oh boy, does he love to tackle an unsuspecting Mommy or Daddy and roll all over them, giggling and shouting the whole time. (We love that, too.)
But he is starting to assert even more opinions; for example, he may say that he wants a "ba" but when you hand him a banana, he may push it away with disdain and a cry of outrage. Or he may clutch at it like he's dying of emphysema and it's an oxygen tank. He may reach out for the sippy of milk that is sitting on the table, but when you place it on the high chair tray, he immediately topples it off onto the floor, where it leaks all over the place. Then he's mad about that. Do you know how many times each day I've started to say, "William, what do you want? I don't know what you want!! Do you even know what you want?" If only he had more words: verbs, adjectives, something!
All together now: Every day is an adventure.
We took him to his new church today for the first time, and that went well. The rest of us attended the 11 a.m. service, while William played with trains and cars and ate Ritz crackers in the nursery. He didn't even look up when David and I walked out the door and left him.
He did, however, enjoy seeing his grandparents there, and I think they might have been a little pleased to see him, too...
With Daddy after church:
Aww, my two boys are so sweet together in their blue outfits. William was wearing a darling little smocked button-over-the-shoulder outfit with teddy bears on it; I bought it in Natchez. And would you believe that it's a size 2T? It is so ridiculous to constantly be amazed at the rate at which he's growing, but I've always been a master of the ridiculous...
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