Ostensibly, the purpose of the class is to get babies and toddlers to not be afraid of the water. The secondary purpose is just to splash around and have fun. William's got the second part down, and he's working on the first part. It helps that there are only three other mommy-baby pairs in the class, so it's not too overwhelming--and he knows all of them.
Today's lesson didn't start out so great. William objected when I changed him out of his regular clothes and into his swim diaper and bathing suit.

But he calmed down once he got all suited up (and slicked up with a double coating of sunscreen).

This is my favorite picture from today. He looks like an imp. Well, after all, He IS an imp!

I admit, I had figured that it would take William a couple days to get used to getting into the big pool. The water's cold when you first get in, and it can be a little scary to a little guy. He did great on the first day, but he was fussy yesterday. He didn't fuss the whole time, fortunately, but he did get upset a few times.
Today was better. William tensed up a bit when we lowered ourselves into the water, but he didn't cry. He even enjoyed it when one of the instructors and I passed him back and forth, and he grinned when we led the "train" of babies and mommies around our little shallow end of the pool. But there are certain ways that I hold him that he doesn't like very much, and he starts to get agitated. The problem is, I can't always figure out what those positions are, except that I know he doesn't like being on his back. Right now, his favorite thing is when I sit him on the side of the pool and ask him to "jump" into my arms. He doesn't really jump, of course, but he will lean foward and then I can pull him gently by the arms into the water. Then I push off backward and tow him with me, and he thinks that's Big Fun.
And, I have to brag here for a moment. The instructor suggested that we gently let them go underwater for an instant. William's little friend Jadyn is such a water bug that she's already doing that with much panache, but today she wasn't in class. So it was up to William to give it a try. I told him what we were going to do, and then gently sank down until his head went underwater. And then I immediately popped him back up, and everyone cheered and applauded. He blinked and stared as us from underneath the water streaming down his face and dripping from the brim of his hat. But he didn't cry! And he didn't get upset! I didn't do it again, though. Didn't want to push my luck.

I don't have any in-the-water pictures yet because we have to stay with our babies when they're in the pool. I'll try to get someone to help us out tomorrow and shoot a few action shots. In the meantime, here's one last picture of William--after class, this time, with his wet hair as proof that he went underwater.

Ahh! So cute! Jadyn is sorry we missed seeing W going under. I want to get some action shots too. Maybe we could trade off or at least tomorrow we might get some pics while they are in the wading pool. Love the wet hair pic!
Jenn and Jadyn (and Joe and Jake too)
Sounds like he's starting to enjoy trying new activities in the water. It can be a little scary at first when what you're used to is a bathtub! He looks so cute in his swim outfit!
With love,
Mama Dee
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