And William attended his first political event last week: a campaign kick-off for a state senator who attends Daddy's church. The event was held at the local Marketplace Cafe, which is my favorite place to eat--you know, the beignet place--and they had a whole huge roasted pig! William was quite intrigued by that, since that's definitely not something you see every day. I let William taste a little bit of the barbecued pork, and he snarfed up most of my baked beans.
In fact, he's getting quite the intro to good Southern cookin' while he's here. We let him have some grits on Saturday morning, and he loved them. Heck, I don't even like grits, and I was born and raised in the South. I haven't given him any fried okra yet, but I guess that's only a matter of time.
We also had a minor scare here last night. Well, it didn't seem so minor to me at the time. William dove off the big bed in the guest room and thunked his head on the hardwood floor. Gah. That noise. I was crying as much as he was, maybe more. Luckily, he's fine. He had a light pink bump on his forehead for a few hours last evening, but it's gone now, and he's been as rambunctious as ever. But oh my God, I was upset.
So that's the News from Natchez for now. We're having a really good time, even though I'm being eaten alive by mosquitoes!
Hi in Natchez!
Sounds like all of you are having a great time together. I hadn't known about the "ALL DONE!" hand signal. Can't wait to see his latest accomplisments! What a cute picture- his hair isn't tuning red down there in Mississippi is it Judi?
Love to all,
Mama Dee
He does look like a redhead in that photo, doesn't he? I think it's just a trick of the light, though!
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