We're making a major change tonight. I hope that William is ready for it. In honor of his three-month birthday tomorrow (April 22), we are going to put him to bed tonight in his crib in his own room.
He's been sleeping in his Pack n Play in our room since we brought him home from the hospital. It has a bassinette insert, but it's only designed to hold babies up to 15 pounds. I don't know what William's current weight is, but I know it's upward of 13 pounds, so it's about time. We actually hadn't intended on keeping him in our room this long, but it just sort of turned out that way. It was easier to keep him with us as long as he was waking up multiple times each night to nurse. Now that he's flirting with a more normal (well, more normal for adults) sleeping schedule, we're going to transition him to his regular crib.
The crib's been ready and waiting for months. In early April, David set up the crib over the course of a couple weekends (a long boring story involving a broken part and instructions that were practically written in Greek), and then I dressed the crib with Pottery Barn Kids choo choo train linens. We didn't have the Pack n Play ready for him when he was born, but the crib's been ready for ages. William's taken short naps in there for the past month or so, but we've never put him down for the night in there. I don't know how he will react to it. But it's definitely time. I don't relish the idea of staggering down the darkened hallway to his room to feed him in the middle of the night, but he makes noises at night that wakes both of us up even when he doesn't actually wake up to eat. So hopefully David and I will sleep better overall when William's in his own room. Those may be famous last words, but we're going to try it anyway. If we have to bring him back into our room into the Pack n Play in the middle of the night tonight, we'll do that.
Anyway, wish us luck.
Good Luck! Let us know how it wentlast night.
With love,
Also, we love the picture! Will David print some of the recent ones? Love, Diane & Aaron
I think this is a wonderful plan and shouldn't be disrupted simply because of a family vacation. Therefore, I think it best if William sleeps in his pack-n-play in another room, such as, his grandparents' room. :) I'm sure everyone else at the beach will be supportive of this.
Eleanor ;)
Ha, ha, ha! :) Diane
Eleanor, that's been the plan ALL ALONG.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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