Along with our friend Kristin, we took William to his very first baseball game on Sunday, July 2. He took in the San Diego Padres losing to the San Francisco Giants at Petco Park in San Diego. Naturally, it was his mommy's pitcher (Chris Young for you aficionados out there) for her fantasy team who took the loss.
But not only did he get to attend his very first major league baseball game, William also got a free glove! The team gives away trinkets as promotional items for a number of home games, and Sunday's giveaway was a baseball glove for children 14 and younger. At ten weeks old, William definitely qualifies in that category. So they gave David a glove for William, who was asleep in his Baby Bjorn. Here's a picture of David holding William and William's very first baseball glove. Note that the glove is larger than William is. I guess he'll grow into it. Someday. A long time from now. Sadly, no one hit any fly balls to David, so the glove is William's only souvenir of the day. Still, not bad, eh?
Anyway, even though he slept through most of the game, including the half-inning when Chris Young melted down, I think William mostly enjoyed himself. Okay, he wasn't too happy when we first got there (see second picture), but he settled down after a little while and seemed to do just fine. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, his daddy got to eat a hotdog, and we all sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the seventh-inning stretch. The ushers were very kind to us, helping us find a spot in the shade so William wouldn't have to sit in the bright sun for more than a few minutes (long enough to have his picture taken). All in all, a pretty good day. Too bad the Padres lost.
1 comment:
Hi Jen & David,
Glad you were able to get to the game with William. What cute pictures and what a wonderful souvenir of his first major league baseball game! He'll enjoy looking at those pictures in a few years.
Mama Dee
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