Who cried harder, me or William?
Tough to say. I took William to the navy hospital today to have his first set of vaccinations--or, as David and I like to say, S-H-O-T-S. David volunteered to be the one who stood right by him and kept his hand on him while the nurse gave him the S-H-O-T-S, one in each little chubby thigh. These were your standard two-month vaccinations. I am, of course, very pro-vaccination, so this is definitely something I wanted to have done on time. But of course, I still got all teary-eyed and a little hiccupy off to the side while the nurse was giving William his vaccinations and covering the little marks with crayon bandages ( a blue one his left thigh and a yellow one on his right thigh). Luckily, it didn't take long. And he snuggled up against my chest and snoozed for awhile afterward. I guess he was exhausted from the shock. David gave him a small dose of infant Tylenol, and he woke up long enough to lick his lips experimentally--"hmmm, this is a new flavor"--then fell asleep again. David then gave him a Tigger sticker as a reward for being such a good boy. You can see it on the picture. It didn't seem to make him feel better, but it sure looked cute on his romper.
Still, I'm glad that's over. For the next two months anyway. Somehow it doesn't seem fair that the people who have to get shots the most often are the littlest people who don't have a say in the matter. Plus, they can't really appreciate the stickers afterward.
Plus, look how happy he seemed to be a few hours later, playing in his crib!

That poor, sweet baby! It does look like he recovered pretty quickly though!
Pitiful (but still rather adorable) face! Hope the subsequent rounds aren't so painful for the little guy.
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