The good news is...After more than 12 weeks, I started to feel a little twitch in the lower jaw on the left side of my face a couple of days ago. Now the left side of my face looks less droopy, too. And if I try hard, I can make a nice little Mona Lisa smile, because I can just barely curl the left side of my mouth upward. It's really small, but it's still a big improvement in my book. I am hoping that it's a good sign that things are starting to improve and heal. I have an appointment with a neurologist on Monday, too.
So I guess William and I are learning how to smile at the same time! He's been giving us flashes of little smiles for a week or two now, but we're never sure if they're just gas or really smiles. I think we've seen some real smiles, in fleeting glimpses, over the last couple of days, though. I am a glutton for them, too. I'd stand on my head (well, if I could) if I thought that it would generate some more smiles. A week or so ago, I was in Toys R Us, and I held up a couple of baby toys to show William. When he smiled at one (or so I thought), I bought it for him. I tell you, this has got to be some sort of very successful evolutionary trait designed to perpetuate the survival of our species: the baby smiles his gummy little toothless grin, the adults go nuts, and the baby gets cuddled and nurtured and held--until he grows up and wrecks the family car.
Here's a preview of what I hope is many more William smiles to come! This is from a Tummy Time session this morning. And when I get my smile back, prepare for an onslaught of photos of me with him, too.

Absolutely beautiful! Don't worry, Bell's palsy passes and most often completely so. I'll be praying for your wonderful family.---C.O.
So sorry;I did not know about the Bell's Palsy until now. I think it is a great story of you and William learning to smile.
Good luck with your neuro appt.
I invited my dad to look at the picture and he replied, "I already know what Aaron Wyckoff looks like, why do I need to see a look-alike." I thought you all should also know that my dad will not refer to William by his name but insists on calling him "Holden".
Eleanor :)
He does not look just like Aaron -
well, maybe just a little. He looks like William - a unique individual! Do you think Holden would be a cute nickname?
Guess Who
Oh! That is so a smile and not at all gas. He's precious and charming.
So happy to hear that there's some progress with the Bell's palsy and that both of you will be smiling up a storm soon!
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