So David gave Mark a crash course in how to drive a standard shift on Saturday. It was very successful. Neither of them killed the other. No one drove the car off a cliff. The engine stayed in one piece. And Nancy and I took William to Sears to have his very first formal portrait taken. He did very well for a little guy, and we got some great photos out of it. I dressed him in the little orange outfit with a tiger on the front--the one that he was supposed to wear home from the hospital, until I discovered just how small a new baby can be (I could have fit two of newborn William in the outfit). He looked darling, if I do say so myself. And luckily, there were no meltdowns during the photo session---of either me or William. And thanks to a couple of strategic wardrobe changes at Sears, we managed to successfully avoid any unfortunate diaper incidents, too. Grandmas and other relatives: those pictures should be back in another 10 days or so, so hang on. They're worth waiting for. Nancy and I had a hard time choosing which ones to order because, of course, they were all cute.
But in the meantime... here's Mark holding William:

David, you keep feeding that baby bottles every other day if not every day even when you think he's a pro at it! We got far too comfortable with our Isabel and she forgot she could do it just like that! And we only lapsed for about 6 weeks without a single bottle when she was 8 weeks old. Love to all three of you.
He's adorable!! I have to admit that I am one of the people checking the blog daily for updates. I guess that says a lot for my exciting life. :) Love to you all. Looking forward to the beach.
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