There are days when I am frazzled from trying to manage two boys. Since Andrew is both preverbal and not mobile yet, it's not that hard. It's really more of a matter of managing William while trying to feed and change the baby...or keep William from waking the baby up. I feel like I spend an inordinate amount of time saying things like, "William, stop it!" Or "Gentle, please. GENTLE! I said, GENTLE!!" And "Please do not cough on the baby/kiss him when you've been eating peanut butter/crush him when you kiss him by throwing all 41 pounds of your weight on top of him." (Okay, I'm paraphrasing there at the end.)
But then there are times when it is so incredibly sweet to have my two boys that I get all choked up.
I took a whole series of pictures of the boys in their superheroes outfits, which their Uncle Mark bought for them. Not only did the photos turn out well, but it was so much fun actually taking them! Amazingly, William was very cooperative and even helped "pose" his baby brother. I was saying things like, "William, turn him this way. No, a little more to the right. Okay, that's good. Now, look at me, and smile. That's great! Can you look at him now?" and so on. He was very patient with me.
It was so worth the effort. Even Andrew had a good time.
They really are Super Brudders. Er, Super Brothers.
These pictures are just perfect! I can't wait to see the super brudders and I can't wait to see you!
I absolutely love this series of photos.
That previous comment was from the boys' slightly prejudiced grandmother, Dee Dee.
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