The best answer I can give you is, "Yes, it snowed. Sort of." Here, a visual aid might help.

In other words, not so much. I fully believe it's because we really were prepared to get a significant amount of snow. We had bread. We had milk. We had toilet paper. We had long johns. That's when Mother Nature says, "Ooops, just kidding!"
William was a little disappointed. He really, really, really wanted to build a snowman and have a snowball fight. He has all these books where they show pictures of kids doing that in the winter, and he had great expectations. I guess I should dig out the book that my mom bought for him last year about what winter is really like in places like Mississippi (and Tennesseee): cold and gray, but not necessarily white.
And it's pretty darned cold here right now, too. The temperature is supposed to continue to dip this weekend, with expected temps in the single digits at night. And some optimistic weather folks are saying we may get some more flurries, but that doesn't go very far in placating small boys who want to build snowmen. It also means that the roads are icing over, which means we have to stick pretty close to home. Although I don't have a surplus of energy these days, I do think it'd be nice to escape the cozy confines of our house occasionally. After all, we had a lot of indoor together time over the holidays, and I'm still recovering from that.
1 comment:
I was hoping for a little more snow than we got. It was certainly COLD enough! I can't remember having so many hours of tiny spitting snowflakes. We did get our lawn dusted (barely) and the driveway was partially covered. The two snow days off work were appreciated.
Maybe next time we'll have enough for a snowman. William, I'll help you make one and pull you in the tobaggan.
With Love,
Dee Dee
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