Late Saturday afternoon, we went to the Sounds game in honor of David's office's annual party. They played, the, er....the Omaha team. They, Royals, I think. It was a double-header, so we just stayed for the first game. Which ended after seven innings. So William didn't get to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" for the seventh inning stretch. And he'd been practicing? Isn't that lousy?
But we still had fun. Plus, this year, we got seats in the shade.
William ate most of his grandmother's hot dog (complete with mustard and relish), at least half of mine, and a good chunk of his father's. And then he ate goldfish. And french fries. And a chicken nugget or two. And some cotton candy. And a box of raisins. Am I leaving anything out? I mean, he ate and ate and ate and ATE. What child love mustard and relish? My kid, that's who. The same one who loves onions, olives, and lemons. Here's photographic evidence of the eating spectacle:
Luckily, Diane managed to extract her fingers before William ate those, too. I guess it just takes a lot of fuel to maintain William's standards for personality and cuteness, right?
David and William dressed as much alike as possible:
And we attemped a family photo. This was the point at which William began screeching loudly while sticking his fingers in his ear. So this is about as good as it got:

No keg roll game this year either, sadly. They did play this weird Fish or No Fish game that I never understood, not that you're really supposed to understand audienced participation games at minor league baseball games.
But William did get to meet the mascot this year. Notice that he's still holding his raisin box in his hand.
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