I squealed very loudly and praised him in that very-high-octave voice that only new(ish) parents have. You'd have think he'd won a Nobel Prize from my level of excitement.
"Yeah, I've been teaching him that," David said a couple of hours later when I excitedly told him the big news that our son is clearly a genius. "I've been saying, let's wash your left foot and let's wash your right foot."
And he added proudly, "He's a smart boy."
A few minutes later..."Of course, it could have been coincidence that he got them right tonight."
Here's William with his DeeDee on his left and his Mama Judi on his right:
We were in downtown Franklin today, attempting to eat lunch at a tea room. Which turned out to be closed. Which did not upset William in the slightest, since you can see him digging in in this photo.
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