What does this remind me of?
"And when there were no crawdads to be found, we ate sand."
"You ate what?"
"We ate sand."
"You ate sand??"
"That's right."
Bonus points if you can identify the movie.
Here's another photos, possibly my favorite:
That's just William all over: in motion. And happy. And with dirty hands.
Here's one of me and William on the beach. Not too many of those. I'm no bathing suit model these days (or, er, any days).
Eleanor wrangles both Graham and William in the baby pool on the porch:
We didn't really intend for William to swim in the baby pool in that outfit. He went over to splash his hands in the pool, and well...before I knew it, he was completely soaked anyway, so I just tossed him into the pool.
William hugging his new buddy Graham:
William and Graham, despite being four months apart in age, are almost exactly the same size. Poor William; he's so much used to being bigger than other babies. I bet Graham outgrows him by the next time we see him.
Here is the Wyckoff clan, all cleaned up for dinner at Betty's. In retrospect, I'd like to say that it's a very good thing that we took this picture before dinner and the ensuing mess. (And no, I am not just alluding to the hushpuppies.)
One of the best pictures ever of William with his daddy:
We had a good time! William misses his ready audience, though. He's been crying a lot when I put him down, which is pretty unusual. It's like he's begging, just begging me, to please let him entertain me. Life's a stage for the little prince. I would guess, however, that he doesn't miss the Super Duper Sunscreen Application, though. Even with the SPF swim clothes and hats, he still got saturated with sunblock every time he went out to the beach, and he's not a big fan of that process, to put it mildly. Well, he'd better get used to it. He's David's and my kid, and we're so white, we practically glow in the dark. William had no chance at olive skin.
Great pictures! We had such a wonderful time! Is the quote from Forrest Gump?
The quote is from Raising Arizona. N'est pas?
Ding ding ding! Kathleen is the winner!
Phew! Graham is also having an "adjustment period." He seems so upset -- what, you mean when you need to get dinner ready there aren't other people to entertain me?!?!? I must entertain myself?? I DON'T THINK SO!
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