The best part, of course, is getting to hang out with your buddies. Jake, whose third birthday will be the day after William's first birthday, and Jadyn, who will be one at the end of May, have been friends with William since he was just a few weeks old. Actually, we met Jake and his mommy Jennifer before Jadyn was even born. So it's been fun for the two moms, the two Jennifers, to watch our kids grow up this year.
It's hard to believe that these two were tiny little babies just a few months ago:

Jadyn and William are becoming Big Kids!
You know the old saw about how kids grow up so fast? I guess it's a cliche because it's so true. It seems like yesterday that William was just a tiny little thing with his clothes dripping off his skinny little legs, and now he's this strapping 22-plus-pounder who chases the cats on his hands and knees. It seems like yesterday that Jadyn was just born, and suddenly she's on the cusp of walking all by herself.
And here we are, already trying to make plans for first birthday parties. Isn't that crazy? How did that happen? Does my mom feel like she just turned around and suddenly her little girl was a mommy and she was a grandmother? Does my mother-in-law feel like she just had two little boys sprawled out on the floor in their pajamas, watching Saturday morning cartoons?
When you're little, the time passes soooo slooooowly. I remember that feeling so well. How many more days 'til Christmas? I'd want to know. Then I'd try to count them, and the days just lagged. It seemed like it took eons for me to turn 16 and be old enough to drive. Then suddenly, I went off to college. And then time somehow speeded up. I once read in a book the following sentiment about having a new baby: "The days and nights may be long, but the months are short." It made sense to me. Now that the days and nights aren't that long anymore, the months are even shorter!
Before I sign off for tonight--we have an early start tomorrow--I have to share this photo of William. I bought bunny ears, thinking about making him wear them to an upcoming Easter egg hunt, and they're so hilarious that he's going to have to wear them. May I present Easter Bunny William!

Yeah, yeah. I'm sure one day, William will want to file that photo under the "Mom, what were you thinking?" category. But he's too young to argue with me, so I'll just enjoy it while I can. And maybe I'll dig that photo out to show his prom date, too.
1 comment:
How wonderful to have friends! They look like they're having a great time. I LOVE the bunny ears and I can tell that William does too!
Mama Dee
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