Check out William's new ride!

I was feeling sort of guilty--okay, very guilty--that we never gave him one of his Christmas presents. I guess I can tell y'all what it is, since he can't read this. We got him a red Radio Flyer fire engine riding toy. And we sincerely intended to give it to him for Christmas. But somehow Christmas came and went, then New Year's came and went, and well, the fire engine is still boxed up in its original packaging. We finally decided that we'll just hang onto it until William's first birthday in April. So I picked up this little Playskool riding toy at Target last week.
He can't really make it go yet, but he sure is cute, posing on it, isn't he?
And he does like it when I push him around on it. I just have to be careful because if he sees one of the kitties streak by, he tends to lunge after it.
That is a cute toy! He'll be scoting around your house before long. The toy reminds me of a 'little' big wheel you had when you were 3, Jennifer! LOve, Moma Judi
Glad you're back on line - we've missed your news! William really looks cute on his little "ride." Hope he's feeling better.
Love, Mama Dee
Glad to see you are back online. Our phone and internet were also down last week (from the same accident) but the phone guy came and did his little deal on our phone box Friday - so we were back up for the weekend. William looks so cute and happy on his ride. Does he ever just fall over sideways? That's what Jadyn does in her car if I am not there to spot her. See ya at the V-Day party tomorrow,
Welcome back! 'Bout time, too ;)
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