We put the little prince to bed a little later than usual, after giving him a big sippy cup of formula after his last nursing session. And of course, he had a bath, and David allowed him to splash about a gallon of water all over his nice sweater. We got him ready for bed, and he seemed to be in a pretty good mood, which is usually a good sign. He was a wiggleworm, so it was hard to get him dressed in his pajamas, though:

I was so exhausted last night that I actually turned out my bedside light before David got into bed. Given that I'm usually the night owl and he's the early-to-bed one, that's a big sign.
I heard William cry out once, probably around 2:30, and I was suddenly awake. Tense, I braced for him to continue crying. But he didn't, and I eventually fell back to sleep. He didn't wake up for real until about 6:20. David's alarm clock had already gone off.
What a huge relief. I was seriously worried that we were not going to see a decent night's sleep come along again for a long time. I even worried that William was starting some new, horrible routine, and we'd have to break him of the habit. Even with everyone's reassurances that he'd probably be fine, I still worried.
On a completely unrelated note, here's William, "eating" sweet potato puffs for a snack:

Yeah, I just wanted to post some pictures. :)
I love his little lion hoodie towel! So glad that he's doing better and that you're all getting more sleep. yay!
I'm really glad that he is sleeping better again. I know it's rough when Mommy is tired! What cute pictures - he's a sweetie!
Love, Mama Dee
Those pictures are precious! William is surely the cutest baby in California! Hurrah for getting more sleep! Love, Moma Judi
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